"So You Think You Can Cook"- RR Contest

So today I read an article about how Rachael Ray is searching for the "next great cook." (Article: http://tv.msn.com/tv/article.aspx?news=275353&GT1=7703 RR:http://rachaelray.fanrocket.com/) For those of you who don't know me, Rachael Ray is my cooking hero. She is my idol and if I say I ever want to aspire to anything it would be her talents. So here I am, contemplating the idea of entering this contest but I still can not come to a final decision. (One could say I've turned into my sister or best friend --each of whom I love tremendously ;) -- with my back-peddling wishy-washy decision making on this subject.) I'm divided into two parts. One that says "Go for it! It could be a great opportunity and if nothing else you know you'll have a blast trying." The other part is slightly more pessimistic. Or perhaps too optimistic. Either way, it's the spazzy part of me saying "What if they actually select you?" Even with the self-doubt I have that doesn't think I would be, the thought is still in my mind. And it's followed by this: "What if they actually select me? That would be horrible!" I would spazz out to such a degree. It would frantic and crazy and though I would be super excited I would be incredibly terrified. So I still have no conclusion as to a choice and with limited time (entries but be sent by September 27th) I fear by the time I do decide it will be too late.

What's an indecisive, slightly nervous aspiring cook to do?


Anonymous said...

"Life's too short too live in caution; Life's too short not to live at all" - Van Zant.

Follow your heart,

Jill@SimpleDailyRecipes.com said...
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Jill@SimpleDailyRecipes.com said...

Go For It!
Don't live with "I should've."
Make memories that will inspire others to go for it! Show us all not to be afraid. Show us what happens when we push past our fears and experience events we never dreamed could happen!
(And don't forget to post it to your great blog)