Rosemary Chicken

For Kris:

You'll need to go get dijon mustard and rosemary leaves (theyre up by the lettuces dear, dried rosemary)....Mix together a few tablespoons of the dijon with some rosemary leaves (you wont need that many, about one or two sprigs worth) then rub it on the (boneless skinless) chicken breasts (both sides) get a fairly heavy coat on them bake at 350 til the chicken's done. :) If you gots any questions you know where to find me!

They did it again....

While attending IHOP yesterday my dearest friend's french toast was once again sadly violated by scrambled eggs. There is definitely something to be said about the comfort of a good friend and food. After the crazy morning I suffered through yesterday (crazy mean receptionist at the dr's office that made me cry, and then discovering that cell phones rebel and choose to no longer function when dropped in large glasses of liquid...) IHOP was the cure. Well...close to it anyway....

Past quotes

You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients.
-Julia Child

Men underestimate the power bread has over a women.-Me

My favorite animal is steak.
-Fran Lebowitz

There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
-George Bernard Shaw

Never eat more than you can lift.
-Miss Piggy

Health food makes me sick.
-Calvin Trillin

I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick--not wounded--dead.
-Woody Allen

My....lovely....friends and their take on food.....

Kris: My french toast was just violated.
Me: By your eggs?
Kris: By my eggs!

Damn I can't even burn popcorn right. (Kris)

Hellmann's makes me want to rip out my intestines and eat them---with Miracle Whip. (Kellie)

Ode to IHOP

One of my constant regularities in life involves none other than my partner-in-crime and best friend Kris. It is a rare occassion when we don't make our weekly trip to IHOP. And not so rare an occassion when we make more than one. Never knowing exactly what will happen (transvestites hitting on cops after the Saturday night drag shows; our cars mysteriously locking on their own even while we are fighting them with our unlocking buttons; cops thinking we're either high or drunk when in fact we are neither; doors catching on our feet causing our clumsy asses to fall...), we're always prepared for an adventure. Of course these trips aren't always happy-go-lucky, seeing as how this is our place to meet and really talk, there are some sad occassions (or the few when we're holding hair out of the way while the other rejects the littlest amount of food she could eat because for some reason the world won't let us have some peace and happiness). BUT even with the sad there is always the happy. Because let's face it, we're best friends and we're surrounded by food. (Even when they do violate the french toast. By the eggs.)

"So You Think You Can Cook"- RR Contest

So today I read an article about how Rachael Ray is searching for the "next great cook." (Article: RR: For those of you who don't know me, Rachael Ray is my cooking hero. She is my idol and if I say I ever want to aspire to anything it would be her talents. So here I am, contemplating the idea of entering this contest but I still can not come to a final decision. (One could say I've turned into my sister or best friend --each of whom I love tremendously ;) -- with my back-peddling wishy-washy decision making on this subject.) I'm divided into two parts. One that says "Go for it! It could be a great opportunity and if nothing else you know you'll have a blast trying." The other part is slightly more pessimistic. Or perhaps too optimistic. Either way, it's the spazzy part of me saying "What if they actually select you?" Even with the self-doubt I have that doesn't think I would be, the thought is still in my mind. And it's followed by this: "What if they actually select me? That would be horrible!" I would spazz out to such a degree. It would frantic and crazy and though I would be super excited I would be incredibly terrified. So I still have no conclusion as to a choice and with limited time (entries but be sent by September 27th) I fear by the time I do decide it will be too late.

What's an indecisive, slightly nervous aspiring cook to do?

Numero Uno

I am slowly developing my kitchen skills as I head down the road to culinary greatness. At 19 I've been cooking and baking since I was 8 years. Nearly everything I know I've taught myself with a few things picked up from my father (grilling/meat expertise), mi madre (with our love for that special ingredient which actually we can't manage to keep secret) and other relative members. Known by my family as "the cookie girl" or "jessie crocker" I have met new members of my family for the first time and am already known as the famous cookie girl. After high school I contemplated culinary school but opted for a less risky route and began working on my bachelors degree in English, which I am currently still working towards with the ending goal being to gain my master's in Library sciences. However my passion for being in the kitchen is still stronger than ever and I am working harder towards improving myself at this time. Think of this as a scratch pad of my journey, my trials, my errors and maybe even a few brilliant successes. There's no telling what I'll throw up here or how it will turn out but in the end I will at least have created a few Savory Memories.